Anyone else use the free neti bottle from #blogher11 this morning? It was kinda cool…


In this year’s BlogHer11 goody bag, Waterpik gave all of the attendees a Neti bottle that is used to irrigate your sinuses (you pour water into one nostril and it comes out of the other. no, I’m not kidding.) I think that is probably the most interesting free sample I’ve even gotten (except perhaps the FUD which I took at Blogher ’09 because I thought I could use it as a kitchen funnel).

As I willingly poured water into my head via one nostril over the sink, I had to remember to breathe through my mouth… it was a little weird to get used to but it was far less gross than I had imagined. People have been doing this for centuries, and of my friends who use neti pots now, they clarim they never get sick.

The results? I feel like a NEW WOMAN! I have never breathed so well in my life and the effect lasted well into the mid-morning. Props to Waterpik for sponsoring BlogHer ’11 and handing out something a little unusual… though they didn’t ask us to write about our experiences, I did want to share how cool it was to shoot water up my nose. One of the best things in the BlogHer goody bag, for sure! 

Attention to detail: this photo is all wrong


Hackers prove they can break into Subaru Outback via texting…