6 Secret Uses for Baby Diapers (ht @rdublife)


Love this! Also, this reminds me of a time I was running before dawn with a friend and I convinced her to do a bit of the run on trail. She ate it and slashed her knee open on a rock. Whoops. The knee was bloody and messy, so I grabbed a diaper from my car and told her to use it until she got home… it was perfect.

A few pics of new #starwars mini-land at @legoland_CA

I’m still recovering from a trip to Legoland with 60 toddlers yesterday. Exhausting! Glad we managed to swing by the Star Wars miniland to see the worlds of Hoth, Tatooine (and please don’t ask me to name any more… I’m tapped out). Legoland CA did a great job on this!

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Jedi Bear #starwars


Hats off to Build-a-Bear for introducing their Star Wars line of outfits within the last year or so. My 5yo built a wiener dog however and the awesome Vader, Jedi, Trooper, etc clothes wouldn’t work so we found this non ‘build-a-bear’ bear to model the cleverness. Uber nerdy! Love it…

— Sent from my Palm Pre on Verizon Wireless

Burger cupcakes


My self-described non-crafty friend surprised herself by how adorable these brownie burger cupcakes turned out for her 6-year-old’s special day. They were quite tasty too!

— Sent from my Palm Pre on Verizon Wireless

Start the weekend with my running sistahs


Five of us broke off from the normal weekend routine of the lake and hit the beach. What a nice change! It was like La Jolla Half redux… Except this time all of us galloped mountain-goat style up, up, up the hill (in ’10 I walked the ginormous hill). The reward was breathtaking views of the beach from Torrey Pines golf course… So pretty I felt I could have run another hour. We ended our little excursion with a visit to the SBUX drive-thru, our suburbian momhood showing.

Thanks, ladies!

— Sent from my Palm Pre on Verizon Wireless



Me vs Me (ht @jchernov)

Earlier today my buddy Joe Chernov shared a Twitter face-off infographic… his Twitter channel versus mine. So I thought I’d compare two of my Twitter accounts. Neat how Visual.ly is using data to automate and create these graphics – a great way to socially share their data visualization capabilities too.

I like that something both Liz’s can agree on is the oversharing of the geeky grin. Yup, spot on. 🙂

the “kick” in Wheat Thins Cinnamon Kick flavor = jalapeno juice


Picked up a new product at the grocery store… Wheat Thins Stix. “Oh, cinnamon… yummy,” I thought to myself as I picked up the box. What I didn’t realize was that these suckers are made in part with jalapeno juice. (This was of course, after I fed them to my 3- and 5-year old).

The 3-year old asked for more but the 5-year old cried uncle.

As for me, I think they taste a little bit like churros. And 5 seconds after you stop eating them, they taste like churros dipped in jalapeno juice. Fiery.